Because we were meeting on the Thursday before Good Friday, I didn’t expect full attendance. Gummi Bear will not be able to help this term as she is coaching hockey. Jelly Bear, one of the Waverley Guide’s mothers, helped out last week but was away during the private school holidays. To celebrate Easter, we decorated Easter eggs (the candy coated hen’s eggs) with plastic icing. I thought it would be something I could handle alone with reduced number of girls.
Only four of the Rays of Hope Guides came. One patrol leader won’t be coming anymore because she didn’t go straight home after the friendship day last week and got home late. A small group suited me fine though.
Eight Waverley Guides came and although I had planned a game to play afterwards, we spent the whole meeting decorating eggs. Each girl got to make two.
One of the clauses for the discovery arts and crafts flash is … “make 3 different edible novelties for a children’s party.” Next week we will complete the clause by making racing cars out of finger biscuits and baskets out of marshmallows.